4 Common Keto Diet Mistakes to Avoid

4 Common Keto Diet Mistakes to Avoid

Keto diet or ketogenic diet is a high-fat and low-carb diet. The main aim of this diet is to put the body in a high metabolic state called ketosis. Dieticians and healthcare experts have also observed that a keto diet can help fight diabetes, certain cancers, epilepsy, and even Alzheimer’s disease. So, if you are on a keto diet or planning to start soon, here are four common mistakes you should avoid.

Not drinking enough water
Staying hydrated is the most crucial part of following a keto diet. This is because keto diet causes a reduction in extra fluids and minerals due to a decrease in carbohydrate intake, thereby creating a shift in the electrolyte balance. Ketosis also causes ketones to flush out from urine, which can cause depletion in water and sodium in the body. So, it is recommended to drink plenty of water between meals and replenish lost electrolytes by eating plenty of magnesium and potassium-rich food such as avocados, tomatoes, spinach, nuts, and salmon.

Not easing into the diet
This is one of the common keto diet mistakes. Most people cut carbohydrates and increase fats in their diet too quickly. One day they are eating pasta and sandwiches and the next they switch to a keto diet with very little or no carbohydrates. This drastic change in diet can cause great discomfort to the body and characterize in the form of indigestion, constipation, decreased energy levels, and fatigue. Thus, dieticians recommend easing into a keto diet by cutting down on carbohydrates and increasing fats gradually. This can help the body get used to the change and respond better.

Ignoring the adjustment period
The body can react to the change in diet in a drastic way. The initial days after switching to a keto diet can result in symptoms such as headache, weakness, muscle cramps, fatigue, constipation, and even diarrhea in some cases. The lack of carbohydrates forces the body to break down stored fats and produce ketones, which can be used as fuel instead of glucose from carbohydrates. As a result, the body exhibits these symptoms as there is a great phase shift in its metabolic state, as carbohydrates levels in the body are lower than ever. So, it is important to realize that these symptoms are temporary as most people start feeling better as their bodies get accustomed to the change in the diet.

Adding protein
It is yet another one of the most common keto diet mistakes that are usually overlooked. Ketogenic diet swaps the percentage of fats and carbohydrates, which means the body will get 60 to 90 percent calories from fat, 10 percent from carbohydrates, and the rest from protein. So, adding only chicken, steak, or other protein sources will not provide enough fat for ketosis, which can be counterproductive. Hence it is recommended to balance your fat intake with macronutrients (protein) so that the body can use fats to break it down into ketones.