5 Lifestyle Changes to Better Manage ADHD
ADHD or Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurological disorder that makes it difficult to plan, focus, or execute tasks as it impacts the particular part of our brain. The symptoms may be difficult to diagnose in girls and adults. Common symptoms include lack of focus, inattention, weak impulse control, poor time management, etc. Listed below are some lifestyle management tips for ADHD.
Sleep well
Adequate sleep is very important to stay clear of ADHD. And while some might say that is completely out of our control to ensure the quality of our sleep, there are some things that we can ensure. Some simple steps like no screens before sleeping, setting up a sleep routine, and taking melatonin supplements a few hours before sleeping can help. Apart from these, behavior therapy programs can really help to ease ADHD in kids. Sleep routine is not just sleeping on time, but other activities like taking a warm shower before sleeping or drinking a cup of herbal tea while reading before sleeping.
Maintain a planner and check it regularly
Whether one has ADHD or not, one must always maintain a planner. Checking the planner at least 3 times a day will help keep a track of all tasks for the day and thus help you plan better. One can put all activities and appointments on a physical notebook or even save them on a smartphone, or even mark it on a calendar. Make sure to check it regularly to ensure that nothing is missed out, to avoid unnecessary stress later on.
Create space
Ask yourself if you need everything that is lying around you on a daily basis and compartmentalize accordingly. Make sure you have enough visual space in front of you, and only those items take up space that needs to use regularly. Things like keys, bills, etc. have to go in their designated spaces as you will be using them regularly, and things that are no longer needed have to be discarded. Storage bins have to be used for other items.
Exercise regularly
Exercise helps with almost every physical and mental disorder, and it is one of the top lifestyle management tips for ADHD. The negative epigenetic tips of stress and trauma can be reversed with exercise. It also helps with improving brain efficiency and helps in strengthening learning capabilities. In fact, exercise helps in the case of ADHD more than even diet does. Motivation is one of the biggest problems when it comes to exercise. Kids and adults should definitely find the motivation to maintain physical and mental health.
Do not procrastinate
If something has to be done, try doing it at that moment. Forgetfulness and cluttering of the mind can be avoided by trying to finish tasks as soon as possible. Thus, there will be less work for the future and so one has time to relax as well.